Grievance Procedure

In the event that any action of Marine One and its Contracted Parties cause you to suffer directly or indirectly you may lodge a complaint as follows;

By Telephone :+94112333246
By Fax :+94112333247
By Written Letter :Managing Director, Marine One (PVT) LTD, 27, Bristol Street Colombo 01, Sri Lanka.
By Email
By Accessing Web

We are committed to treating you courteously, promptly, and fairly. Marine One (Private Limited) accepts and investigates all complaints submitted to the company. Anonymous complaints are accepted.

We treat your complaints seriously and accept that you should at all times be treated courteously, promptly, fairly and the grievance resolved without delay. Our management at Department Head level are empowered to deal directly with you to ensure quick relief in the event you make it known that you have been the victim of an unfair action by Marine One (Private) Limited or its contracted employees


Complaints Procedure – Step 1

Marine one will resolve your complaint within one calendar week.

In the event our investigation cannot be completed and we are unable to resolve the matter within the stipulated time a written letter by Registered Post will be sent to you and you will be given a contact person at Department Head level to communicate with you. Our letter will state our complaints reference number which you are encouraged to use in all correspondence thereon.

You may communicate to the Marine One contact person direct by any of the described means. M1 – Grievance Handling Procedure – Public 1.1 30/11/2015 In the event you are unable to be available to communicate or do not have the means to do so, you may empower by a letter a nominee for that purpose. Marine One will thereafter deal with your nominee and address all written correspondence to the postal address registered in your complaint with copy to nominee.

The procedure within Step 1 shall not exceed 4 Calendar Weeks from the date of receipt of your complaint.


Complaints Procedure – Step 2

Where a situation arises that Marine One is not able to resolve your complaint within the four week limit, Marine One will inform you by any of the described methods of communication backed up with a written letter sent by Registered Post the date we propose to resolve the complaint. Our letter will clarify impediments delaying a resolution to your complaint and you are encouraged to send your observations on the delay.

Every endeavor will be made to complete the investigation and deliver a satisfactory solution to you within 8 weeks or at a stipulated date within 90 days from the date of receiving your complaint and if the nature of the outstanding grievance demands intervention by a national authority in our country of incorporation this will be communicated to you.


Complaints Handling Procedure – Step 3

Where a national authority has to step in to deliver a solution acceptable to both parties Marine One (Private) Limited will deal with that Authority through their company lawyers bearing in mind our foremost concern to treat you courteously, promptly, and fairly.

“Marine One is a leader in agency, technical, and engineer services and an accredited provider of maritime security.”

27,4/2, Sir Razik Fareed Mawatha(Bristol Street), Colombo 01, Sri Lanka​

+94 11 2333246

+94 77 7443465

© [year] Marine One Pvt Ltd. All Rights Reserved.